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The Head of BOC considers studies of young people's attitudes important

The BISR Director called interaction with the Belarusian Orthodox Church in the study of the deep features of Belarusian society successful.

Metropolitan of Minsk and Zaslavl Veniamin believes that sociological research will help identify the factors that shape a young person in contemporary society, Sputnik reports.

Глава БПЦ считает важными исследования настроений молодежи

"It is very important for us to identify these factors, to see what a modern person, especially young people, is most sensitive to," he said at an expert meeting at the Belarusian Institute of Strategic Research (BISR).

According to Sputnik correspondent, the Head of the BOC was presented with the data of a social survey conducted in July 2024 Social and Humanitarian Research Centre of the Belarus State Economic University upon the request of the BISR.

On the part of the church, we assess the situation from a moral viewpoint, even when some laws are adopted, we look at how this will affect things in the future, - Veniamin said.

At the same time, he noted that, looking ahead, it is possible to predict how the adopted document will contribute to strengthening the spiritual and moral component of society or level it, as it occurs in a number of European countries.

The Head of the BOC also stressed the importance of the expert meeting at the BISR, where the prospects for the Belarusian society development are discussed.

I think, we can do a lot together, because the church explores more the world of the human soul, and the Belarusian Institute for Strategic Research takes the wider view of all components. Therefore, by joining forces, we will be able to better understand social processes, - Veniamin said.

In turn, Oleg Makarov, Director of the Institute, noted that this was not the first meeting with the Head of the BOC. The BISR has been interacting with the Orthodox Church for about five years.

"We are useful to each other, BISR shares its research results with the BOC, we receive expert observations, so the interaction has been around for a long time," he said.

The meeting resulted in an agreement on the interaction of the BISR with the expert community and the BOC to develop a common vision of human development and key national landmarks.