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The state symbols of Belarus had been formed over centuries, forged under harsh circumstances

We do not threaten other nations, we protect our peaceful home

State symbols are an integral attribute of a sovereign country. Since ancient times, symbols has been performing the functions of uniting the people, reflecting the deep historical traditions and cultural code of the nation. In addition, they were a means of transmitting information to other countries and peoples.

The first flags were used by ancient hunters and represented involvement with a group, dividing them into friends and neighbors. In the Middle Ages, they depicted the family symbols, which were formed over several centuries, were a matter of special pride, demanded respect and protection. During the wars of Modern times, flags represented the honor, valor and glory of regiments and other formations.

In the early 20th century, when two world wars broke out, the state symbolism became deeply ideological. Preserving the flag and the military banner was not only a matter of honor, but also a guarantee of the independence of the state, the fulfillment of a sacred duty to the Motherland and those who needed protection.

The national coat of arms has always expressed the national nature of the state, bearing the imprint of historical, military, and cultural traditions.

The anthem occupies a special place among the official symbols of the state. This is a special format for positioning in the international arena. Poetic framing allows to convey those value messages that cannot be registered in official documents. It almost always substantially reflects different historical periods in the life of the people and the state.

The state symbols of Belarus has been formed over centuries, forged under harsh conditions, meticulously piece-by-piece forming the sacred matrix of national memory.

Gaining independence in 1991 meant for Belarus a new significant stage in its history. We, like most countries of the post-Soviet space, were in search of ideas that could not only fully reflect our history, but also give us an opportunity to move forward.

We looked deep into our history, tried to reconcile the past and the present. And the most important thing, unlike many neighbors, to retain continuity, avoid being embroiled into the indiscriminate rejection of everything that had been made by our hands.

In the second half of the 1990s, those tasks were solved. The state symbols were able to combine continuity, national mentality and traditions, history, modernity and the future.

If we think about state symbols at the level of ordinary citizens, then we need to answer one simple question: what word could unite them all? Hope. It is in the green color of our flag, which balances the tragic pages of the history of Belarus. It is in the sun on the coat of arms, the light of which we deserve. It is in the words of our anthem: "May you live long and prosper, Belarus!"

Belarusians did not forget to send a message to other countries. The image of the globe on the coat of arms bears a deep meaning of how the people of Belarus see their place on the planet. Belarus is a small part of the world, but it understands that the globe is our common home that must be safeguarded. Belarusians are the ones who know for sure that it sometimes needs to be protected, and they are also ready for this.

The national idea, identity and the very existence of any state is unthinkable without the main symbols: the coat of arms, flag and anthem. They fully reflect the set of social, legal, spiritual values and principles of the people.

Respect for symbols is formed in different ways. But the most effective way is through the pride in achievements of your people.

We are used to these words in many ways, and it seems to us there is little behind them in fact. However, if we compare, then we do not have to explain anything. Since the 90s of the last century, Belarus has changed beyond recognition. We have built our country and filled it with new meanings. Belarusians have preserved themselves as a unique nation that can have two official languages, use the Soviet heritage, develop IT technologies and the industrial sector. No external incursions could shake the image of Belarus in the international arena. Our authority and competence have been in demand and are waiting in the wings today. The anthem of Belarus is played during the visits of the Head of State to the countries that determine world affairs: Russia, China, the UAE, Zimbabwe and many others. The sun on the coat of arms of Belarus shines from the buildings of all diplomatic missions and consular offices of the republic abroad.