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Lukashenkoʼs visit to Irkutsk has two aspects – universal and technological

Belarus and Russia have gone through a long path of economic integration. For several decades they have scrupulously accumulated the experience of bilateral cooperation, tested it in different directions, and scaled it within the framework of other integration associations.

The visit of the President of Belarus to Irkutsk has two aspects – universal and technological.

The warm welcome given to Alexander Lukashenko by the residents of Irkutsk is a clear indication that in everyday life people have retained the demand for simple human relations. Sincerity, empathy, trust and hospitality are the hallmarks of Belarusians and Russians.

The meeting of the Belarusian President with the residents of Irkutsk showed how intertwined the destinies of our countries are. No matter which corner of Russia you visit, you can almost always hear that someone has relatives in Belarus. Admiration and warm memories of the trip to Belarus are constantly heard from our neighbors. And Belarusians who live in Russia always give a unique flavor and warmth to any city.

Each country goes through different phases of its history, the expert notes. Today, Russia experiences a tough period of pressure, hostility, and accusations. That is why it is so important to have friends and like–minded people who can provide psychological support and, certainly, sincere one. In the face of the President of Belarus and Belarusians, Russia has a reliable shoulder to lean on in hard times. That is why banners in honor of the visit of the Belarusian Head of State had the slogan "Russia and Belarus – stronger together!"

Our countries have gone through a long path of economic integration. For several decades they have scrupulously accumulated the experience of bilateral cooperation, tested it in different directions, and scaled it within the framework of other integration associations. Today we can really appreciate our efforts, as we will solve a global problem, and the story of success of Belarus and Russia has the potential to become a model for many countries of the world. Technological sovereignty will have multiplier effects on all spheres of the economy and the lives of the citizens of our countries. On this path, Irkutsk will become "the common hub of our united Fatherland under two sovereign states." There is every reason for this. Among the CIS countries, Belarus occupies the 2nd position in the structure of the region's foreign trade turnover. Belarusian enterprises and their products have long been familiar in Irkutsk.

However, in the current conditions, it is important not to slow down and towards strengthening industrial cooperation.

Irkutsk has one of Russia's largest aircraft factories, which is of particular interest to Belarus. Joint plans for aircraft construction were voiced by our countries last summer. This interest is easy to explain. The features of modernity are mobility and speed, both in delivering goods or transporting people. Belarusian enterprises have already actively joined in. Supplies of aircraft components, units and assemblies from Belarus are implemented without disruption. At the same time, Russia sees our country in larger-scale projects. The head of the United Aircraft Corporation Yuri Slyusar said that Belarusian enterprises will be able to receive "orders worth up to 3-5 billion BYN annually from the Russian aircraft industry".

The results of such cooperation for Belarus will be involvement in Russian high-tech manufacturing, obtaining new competencies, which will be in demand for decades, creating highly qualified human resources, new jobs, and, therefore, improving the quality of life for Belarusians and Russians.