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«One District-One Project» Initiative is foremost about people, not economy

Much has been done with local authorities, agencies, and banks under the "One District - One Project" program. It must be admitted: the main thing is that the initiative, the idea proposed by the head of state, was originally of a social nature. It was expressed in providing people in the regions with the opportunity to find jobs, receive a relatively high wages and stay in their places, rather than concentrate in regional centers or in the capital. We are well aware that for the state, human resources and people are the most important asset. This project is first of all about people, not about the economy, to give them the opportunity to be on their land, and not strive for some imaginary images and ideas."

This project is also informational and ideological. If there are no jobs in the regions, then there is unemployment. Such society is extremely willingly lured into various radical trends, radical information platforms. We know and see that our opponents from the territory of Ukraine, Poland and the Baltic states were tuned to rock the regions and say: look, everything is bad there, your roads, fences are not repaired, you have no job. Of course, people without a proper level of income and without being tied to a place of work easily become victims of such information manipulation.