The intensification of foreign economic relations between Belarus and BRICS nations, coupled with its new status as a partner country, significantly amplifies the potential for enhancing international cooperation and advancing national interests across various domains. According to anal...
The current 2025 will be a historic year for the entire Eurasian Economic Union and Belarus in particular.
Over the past three years, we have completed all those initiatives in the economy and the financial sector, especially within the framework of the Union State. Today, we need to e...
New quality productive forces (hereinafter referred to as NQPF) harmoniously complement the strategy of global sustainable development. They contribute to balanced economic growth by increasing the efficiency of production facilities through their technological modernization, social sta...
Following the January-July 2024 outcomes, the foreign trade turnover of goods of the Republic of Belarus made USD 49 billion, 5 percent up over the year. Goods imports are growing faster than exports, which resulted in a negative balance at the level of USD 2.3 billion. It is worth noti...
The emergence of the digital economy in the most developed countries will increase protectionism and sanctions pressure against all those who are not part of their ecosystem. Therefore, it is extremely important for Belarus and Russia to start building a digital economy to protect their...
A response to an unfriendly step
The stable development of the Belarusian economy amid the ongoing sanctions pressure irritates and unnerves the West. According to Belstat, in January-June of this year, the Belarusian GDP grew by 5 percent against predicted 3 percent. At the same time,...
Deglobalization: raw materials versus technology.
The transformation of geopolitical and geo-economic relations is gaining momentum. At the moment, everything is developing in such a way that we can confidently speak about the loss of the former influence by the conventional Western ce...
Section "Sovereign Economic and Financial policy"
The Republic of Belarus stands for expanding cooperation in multilateral formats with traditional partners and friendly states, and strives for active interaction on international platforms. By the way, today's speech is held in the run...
The issue of launching a center for industrial tourism development on the basis of one of industrial enterprises of the republic is being worked out.
The Agency for Strategic Initiatives (ASI) and the Belarusian Institute for Strategic Research (BISR) are preparing a publication on ind...
Reforming business architecture is due to enhancing the economic potential to improve the quality of life
Such a vulnerable area as small and medium-sized business is sensitive to any innovations. Therefore, it was quite expected that the Law "On amendments of laws on business" would b...
Much has been done with local authorities, agencies, and banks under the "One District - One Project" program. It must be admitted: the main thing is that the initiative, the idea proposed by the head of state, was originally of a social nature. It was expressed in providing people in t...
Fewer and fewer people in the world are putting in question the fact that the center of world progress is shifting from the collective West to the Global East and South. This, in particular, is eloquently evidenced by the growth rates of many Asian economies following the 2023 results, ...