"The upcoming accession of Belarus to the SCO should be considered as the materialization of the Belarusian President's initiative "integration of integrations", which assumed the "linking" of the space from Lisbon to Vladivostok". Such opinion was expressed to sb.by reporter by BISR analyst Yuri Yarmolinsky. He noted that in the current geopolitical realities, this idea has been radically transformed.

"Now we can talk about building a single space of cooperation and security from Minsk to Vladivostok", the analyst explained. "And if our country does become a full member of the organization, it will open up many new opportunities for us. From the geopolitics viewpoint, the world order is being reformatted from a unipolar model to a multipolar. In a certain sense, the SCO is at the forefront of these processes, transforming before our eyes from an interstate association into a new global pole of power. Along with our strategic partners (Russia, China, India), we will be able to participate fully in building a new world order. Besides, we receive a full-format access to the economic instruments of the organization - this is the SCO Business Council, the interbank association… The creation of its own financial instrument is on the agenda, taking into account the trend towards the use of regional currencies in mutual settlements, this is more than an urgent issue.
Yuri Yarmolinsky also mentioned the cultural and humanitarian component. In his opinion, communication between people and intercultural communication will enrich us with new knowledge, which will increase the effectiveness of our pivot to Asia due to a better understanding of our Asian counterparts.
"We should understand, however, and be aware that the SCO is not a panacea and not an end in itself," the analyst added."This is a tool that needs to be properly sharpened and professionally used. And here is the question for us: in what way and how effectively we will be able to use these opportunities. The admission of Belarus as a full member in the SCO is also beneficial for Asia. Alexander Lukashenko has said many times that going to the East, we are not isolating ourselves from the West. Sooner or later, the bubbling of emotions and aggression will subside and the Europeans, and the West as a whole, will see the light and return to the fact that cooperation with Belarus is much more profitable than sanctions and a fence on the border. And then our country will fully open up to the SCO in all its advantages and opportunities: both in terms of human potential and our unique geography and logistics.