All-Belarusian People's Assembly as the supreme body of the people's power, forms a reliable basis for enhancing national immunity from attempts to implement "color scenarios" in Belarus by throwing many times the most powerful foreign resources and technologies for their organisation. Let us recall in this regard the 2020 revolt which was prepared throughout seven stages. What conclusions does the analysis of those events allow us to draw and how does the All-Belarusian National Assembly protect Belarusian society from such challenges?
The 2020 events analysis shows that the main directions of the strike were: 1) the split of society, especially along the lines of professional and social groups; 2) the personal disorientation through information brainwashing; 3) the dismantling of the state through the seizure of the central point of decision-making - the presidential post. The Belarusian people managed to resist these strikes and learn from those events.
Granting the All-Belarusian People's Assembly the status of a constitutional body of power that determines the strategic directions of the country's development creates a multiplying effect of protecting the individual, society and the state from new provocations. First, the very essence of the All-Belarusian People's Assembly is the unity and cohesion of all categories of society, both by gender, age, professional, and regional characteristics. Second, the All-Belarusian People's Assembly is designed to set meanings and goals, to form the Belarusian, or rather the all-Belarusian discourse in the ideological and information sphere, which increases our resistance to the flow of lies. Third, the All-Belarusian People's Assembly, as a collective body, breaks the classic scheme of the "color revolution" aimed at removing a specific top official or a group of key officials. In the updated version of the All-Belarusian People's Assembly, pseudo-strategists will have to face not even a strong President, but a public monolith in the face of 1,200 delegates, i.e. the task becomes almost impossible.
But this does not mean that opponents will not look for workarounds. Quite the contrary, it is now necessary to strengthen the work of the All-Belarusian People's Assembly and its delegates to enhance communication between society and government, to involve citizens in the multifaceted processes of state-building. The relevant areas of such work are the following.
1. Demonstrating to society the "points of support" – the next steps of the state for its development, which would make the prospects of its future and the image of the future Belarusian state clear and understandable for each stratum, thereby reducing possible worries and uncertainties, especially amid conflicts surrounding us and the militarization of the situation along our borders.
2. Giving dynamics to the processes of structuring and scaling civil society. This is the strengthening of the positions of public organizations and political parties aimed at the creation and development of specific social niches (environmental protection, volunteerism, landscaping, the revival of a small homeland, historical memory and memorialization, the implementation of creative initiatives, the introduction of technology, social communication, etc.).
3. The formation of leadership and new "points of trust", especially in regions that can become not only donors of resources and human potential, but also a promising place for self-realization, especially for young people. Love for the land, the importance of creative work and the value of family are the best prerequisites for raising patriots who are not subject to any, even high-tech, attempts to manipulate our society.