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Abstracts of the report at the BRICS Civil Forum, July 3-4, 2024 in Moscow

Section "Sovereign Economic and Financial policy"

The Republic of Belarus stands for expanding cooperation in multilateral formats with traditional partners and friendly states, and strives for active interaction on international platforms. By the way, today's speech is held in the run-up to the important event for our country – acceding the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. And this is a significant moment for Belarus.

BRICS, certainly, is one of the most important unifying platforms in ensuring global security, sustainable development and economic cooperation.

In my report, I will try to briefly outline the expert vision of the opportunities and potential of the BRICS for the socio-economic development of the member states and partner countries.

I will start with three fundamental processes which, in our opinion, are worth paying attention to.

First, the successful BRICS development has created a number of objective growing trends that enhance the role of the association in the system of international relations. The list of issues discussed within BRICS is constantly growing. The number of states wishing to join the organization is also increasing. Today, BRICS proposes draft decisions and articulates principled positions on key aspects of the regional and international agenda.

Second, society needs mechanisms of new cooperation and interaction between countries. Especially when some societies suffer greatly from the consequences of a tragedy, overcoming is possible only through collective measures. The coronavirus pandemic has shown this. No matter what potential the country has or what it produces. It is important who offer to help.

Third, the BRICS model today is attractive to international partners and is a pillar of a multipolar world. At the core of BRICS success there is an interaction of countries based on understanding and acceptance of cultures, mentalities, values, and respect for national traditions.

The BRICS platform provides a unique opportunity for small and medium-sized countries to be in close cooperation with large states.

An example of such a unique interaction is Belarus and Russia, states asymmetric in terms of the potential. Our institute, together with Russian colleagues from the Agency for Strategic Initiatives, is implementing a project on developing industrial tourism in Belarus and Russia. As a result, we see that industrial cooperation is one of the key indicators of the success of the integration partnership between the two countries. An important component will be a part of ideology that will help convey the value of blue-collar occupations, ensure training and continuity of personnel. But, first of all, within the framework of this project, we want to show young people what industry, innovation, and the real sector of the economy are.

At the same time, challenges are also manifesting themselves. In particular, the pace and quality of international integration are slowing down amid sanctions pressure. Attempts are made to push member and partner states out of the global trade system.

By actively interacting with partner think tanks, our Institute sees that we all face the same set of problems: climate change, biological and environmental threats, access to healthcare, water and food shortages, destruction of logistics schemes for resource extraction and supply chains.

There are natural and artificial technological imbalances, and the struggle for technological sovereignty is intensifying.

Given the above processes, as well as the challenges, it is important to work together to mitigate risks.

For our part, we strongly support the creation of the BRICS monetary, financial and payment platform, which will simplify mutual trade between member states and partner countries. Now more than ever, it is important to find an effective international payment mechanism – an SWIFT analogue to minimize losses in mutual settlements using "external" reserve currencies. It should be a flexible financial system that promotes the development of all BRICS+ institutions.

It is important to move towards closer cooperation in order to create unique technologies based on respect for the technological sovereignty of the BRICS member states and partner countries. The basis will be the building of a multifunctional technology transfer system and a specialized market, taking into account country specializations and the raw material base.

Belarus, for instance, has significant resources of mineral fertilizers, and a well-developed agro-industrial production system and accumulated experience in industrial specialization of the country can contribute to solving food security issues in the BRICS space.

Also, BRICS is an association of states, each being a leader in its region and a member of regional organizations, has extensive experience in developing regional integration.

In this regard, for instance, in the field of model legislation existing in each of our regions, it is important to share available experience, which will facilitate the convergence of legal systems and unlocking each other's potential.

In conclusion, I would like to note that BRICS is a new type of space. The space where they seek to look beyond the horizon of current trends of the changing world, to shape a strategic vision of new ideas and meanings of development.

The Belarusian Institute for Strategic Research will strive to work out the new practical content of our participation in the BRICS activities, to search for fresh meanings, using the accumulated experience and potential. We will continue conducting an expert dialogue with scientists, analysts, and decision makers in the interests of forming a common market of ideas and an image of the future of the BRICS based on mutual trust and respect. 

Thank you for your attention!