Online enquiries

Starting from January 2, 2023, there are changes in the procedure for submitting electronic applications to all state bodies and other state organizations. Applicants must send electronic applications through the "State Unified (Integrated) Republican Information System for Recording and Processing Applications of Citizens and Legal Entities".(обращения.бел) Access to this system is free.

General information

Online enquiries from individuals, individual entrepreneurs and legal entities submitted to the Belarusian Institute for Strategic Studies will be considered in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Belarus No. 300-3 d/d 18 July 2011
To file an online enquiry, please fill in and send one of the online forms: "Online enquiries from individuals" and "Online enquiries from legal entities and individual entrepreneurs".
In accordance with the Law, enquiries shall be made in the Belarusian or Russian language.

Please, do not send enquiries to the BISR email. Enqiries sent to yb.vog.rsib@ofni shall not be answered.

Online enquiries from individuals and individual entrepreneurs must include all of the following information:

• name and (or) address of the organisation or position of the person who submits the enquiry;
• surname, name, patronymic (if any) or initials, postal code and address of residence (place of stay);
• your question/statement;
• email address.

Online enquiries from legal entities must include all of the following information:

• name and (or) address of organisation or position of the person who sends the enquiry;
• full name and address (place of business) of legal entity;
• your question/statement;
• surname, name, patronymic (if any) or initials, of the of the head of legal entity or a person duly authorized to sign the enquiry;
• email address.

All online enquiries submitted by representatives of individuals or legal entities must be accompanied by copies of the documents confirming their authority.

Enquiries may contain information on the results of their previous consideration and be accompanied by documents confirming this information (if any).

Allowed formats: PDF / A, DOCX, DOC, RTF, TXT, ODT, ZIP, RAR, PNG, TIFF, JPEG, JPG.

Online enquiries

Online enquiries should be made in Belarusian or Russian.

Online enquiries will be reviewed within 15 days from the date of registration; If enquiries require additional study and verification, they will be reviewed within within 1 month.

Responses (notifications) to online enquiries will be forwarded to the applicants' email address specified in the online enquiries. Responses to online enquires will be provided in the form of written notifications in the following cases:

• online enquiry contains a request to provide a written response only or in addition to a response forwarded by email;
• recipient's email address specified in the online enquiry is invalid due to technical reasons.

Online enquiry will be left without proper consideration to the merits in the following cases:

• is made in languages other than Belarusian or Russian;
• does not contain surname, name, patronymic (if any) or initials, postal code and address of residence (place of stay);
• does not contain full name and address (place of business) of legal entity, surname, name, patronymic (if any) or initials of the head of legal entity or a person duly authorized to sign the enquiry;
• does not contain email address of the applicant;
• does not contain substance of the enquiry;
• is not readable;
• contains abusive or insulting words and terms;
• is a repeated request on the same or similar issue which contains no new facts;
• contain questions that are not within the competence of the Belarusian Institute for Strategic Studies;
• correspondence with the applicant on the matters specified in the enquiry has been discontinued.

Withdrawing online enquiery

Pursuant to Article 16 of the Law, the applicant has the right to withdraw their enquiry before consideration to the merits.

To withdraw an online enquiry, please submit a written application or send an online request in the same manner as you submitted the online enquiry.

Responses to online enquiries

Responses (notifications) to online enquiries will be forwarded to the applicants' email address specified in the online enquiries.
Responses to online enquires will be provided in the form of written notifications in the following cases:
• online enquiry contains a request to provide a written response only or in addition to a response forwarded by email;
• recipient's email address specified in the online enquiry is invalid due to technical reasons.

BISR responses to enquires or decisions to leave enquiries without proper consideration to the merits can be appealed by the applicant in accordance with Article 20 of the Law.