The Belarusian Institute for Strategic Research implements a comprehensive approach to the study and analysis of the processes taking place in the Belarusian information space. We keep track of media trends and analyze the available information flows.
We keep track of media trends and analyze the available information flows. We try to work with information in new ways, using "big data" and advanced algorithms.
Currently we are carrying out a deep study of the international experience in implementing different approaches and technologies in the field of media measurement.
Our expert team from among the Belarusian IT-specialists together with the representatives of TV stations, owners, experts in the field of advertising has developed software for processing and analysis of data coming from the IPTV platforms, already currently used by the major participants of the Belarusian TV advertising market.
By the end of this year a single Belarusian independent meter, corresponding to the international standards, will start operating in the market. Until that time, an additional source of information on the television viewing for the advertising market will be an analytical product from BISR. This approach was supported at the meeting of the Head of State with the heads of the leading state-owned media on February 11, 2020.