The Organization for Security and Co-peration in Europe as an organization has long ceased to exist. This was stated on the TV channelSTVby expert of the Belarusian Institute of Strategic Research Anatoly Boyashov, BelTA reports.
"The situation has developed in such a way that the OSCE itself as an organization has long ceased to exist," Anatoly Boyashov said. "The main body of any international organization is always an intergovernmental body. This is a summit of Heads of State that finds consensus. Today, the OSCE is not an organization, it is not a summit of Heads of State. These are several interest clubs with the transatlantic bloc standing out, and it gains control over the personnel, defines which methods will be dominant, determines budgets allocation".
In his words, the balance of the OSCE personnel has not always been ensured both at the managerial level and at the level of workers. "There was a strong bias towards the representation of Western states," the expert stressed. "If our citizens were hired by that organization, they were always looked at askance, additional political checks for political loyalty were always used in their attitude. And if such a state position was found, then they were steadily squeezed out of the OSCE's work."