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To hear the opinion of young people. BISR launches contest of analytical projects

The 2nd Republican Youth Contest of Analytical Projects started today at the Belarusian Institute of Strategic Reseach (BISR).

"This contest is one of the stages of a large youth analytical movement. The contest is primarily aimed at giving young people the opportunity to send their thoughts and ideas about their vision of the further development of our country. The contest will be held over the next two and a half months. We have just over a month to apply for participation. The topics and areas on which young people can speak out are completely different. This year, we have proposed 15 areas reflecting various vectors of the state's development: digital technologies, artificial intelligence, agriculture, media development, etc. We would also like young people to offer their vision of growth points for Belarus within the framework of the five-year quality plan," Evgeny Kharuk, BISR analyst, head of the BISR Youth Analytical Movement "The Future of Belarus".

One of the contest innovations this year was the holding of regional selections. "First, we will select five to seven of the best works in each region. In the future, we will invite the finalists to Minsk, where they will speak to experts at the national level. Authors of the best works, in addition to gifts from the organizers and partners of the contest, will have the opportunity to participate in the Young Analyst Summer School, where they will be trained in analytical activities, will be able to communicate with experts in various fields, learn how to analyze materials and write analytical documents," Evgeny Kharuk said.

The BISR analyst also told what the main outcome of the research of the contest participants is. "The essence of analytics is not to prepare a ready-made solution, but to outline the situation and prepare materials on a particular problem. The most important result of the research implemented by our young analysts is that they have the opportunity to convey their vision to decision makers," the head of the BISR Youth Analytical Movement "The Future of Belarus" said.

Artem Kuzmin, a 4-year student at the BSU Institute of Business, is among the contest participants. Together with two other students, he is preparing a study on the topic "Demographic policy as an integral factor of national security of the state."

"Our project is dedicated to offering ways to solve the demographic problem in terms of how young people see this issue. At the moment, we have several developments in this area. First, we need to understand what influences the demographic potential of our state from a technical and economic viewpoint. The second area of analysis is sociology. We will conduct a survey among young people. At the third stage, we will analyze all the collected data and propose some solutions," Artem Kuzmin emphasized.

Artem will be assisted in his research by Anna Tarelko, a 3rd-year student at BSUIR. "First of all, such projects help to develop young people and form an analytical environment. Thanks to such events, we gain goals, opportunities, meet new people, and improve our expertise. In the future, all this will influence our choice of profession," the contestant is sure.