Report of the BISR Deputy Director Vitaly Punchenko
at the 10th International Scientific and Practical Conference of the SCO RATS
Dear colleagues!
The issue of launching a center for industrial tourism development on the basis of one of industrial enterprises of the republic is being worked out.
The Agency for Strategic Initiatives (ASI) and the Belarusian Institute for Strategic Research (BISR) are preparing a publication on ind...
The values of the youth, their views, interests and aspirations have a significant impact on the entire society and ongoing processes. The generation that was born and grew up in independent Belarus is entering the workforce. No wonder that the 6th All-Belarusian People's Assembly, paid...
The formation of the modern generation of Belarusian youth took place under the conditions of the unprecedented influence of digital and network technologies, which justifies its positioning as a “digital generation”. Being the most mobile and energetically charged fraction of the popul...