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BISR analysts meet with young specialists of the Minsk Main Statistical Department

Head of the BISR Minsk department Igor Matsyganov told the young people about the structure, activities, goals and projects of the BISR: "Pulse of Society", "Young Analysts", "Value portrait of modern Belarusian society". The staff of the organization also learned about a special research topic – the Belarus' pivot to the East: "The Great Game in Asia 2.0" and "Belarus and China: a common development trajectory".

They discussed issues of state support for young professionals, housing and recreation problems in small settlements. Valentin Starichenok, Head of the BISR Regional Policy Department, raised such relevant issues as the Year of Quality and National Unity Day. Attention was focused on the fact that quality is not only about goods, it is also the quality of the media space, and the interaction of the government and the population, and much more.

The issues discussed aroused keen interest among the metropolitan statisticians.