Political trends: a look into the future
Over the past year, we witnessed many changes in various areas of life. Some are the result of global processes, others are the result of internal factors, but each of them has its own consequences that can have a significant impact on our socie...
Fewer and fewer people in the world are putting in question the fact that the center of world progress is shifting from the collective West to the Global East and South. This, in particular, is eloquently evidenced by the growth rates of many Asian economies following the 2023 results, ...
Preventing foreign interference in elections came to the fore in many countries in 2023.
Attempts to influence the preparation, conduct or outcome of electoral campaigns always have one goal – pitting social groups against each other during a riot. At the same time, the forms of interf...
Minsk hosted a scientific and practical conference "Strategic Analysis and Forecasting. Belarus in the global world". The meeting was organized by the Belarusian Institute of Strategic Research (BISR), which, within its competence, actively engaged in the elaboration of initiatives on t...
From facts to deep analysis
It is this category of consumers that actually represents the main subject of our economy, which forms the main demand for outputs from industrial enterprises, especially in the conditions when domestic producers gain domestic market share.
Based on the draft submitted for discussion, civil society structures can delegate up to 400 people to the People's Assembly, which is a third of the total number of the representative body.
The broad representation of civil society as a voice of interests of Belarusian citizens will a...
The joint statement of the President and Prime Minister of Finland on the country's intention to join NATO, made on May 12, is only the first and far from the main step towards official membership in the alliance. At the same time, a rather fragile ground – public opinion capable of cha...
The Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus declared the 2022 the Year of Historical Memory. In this connection it is important to sum up some of the results of the passing year and identify trends characteristic of both the Belarusian memory policy and the memory policy of n...
On October 14, Belarus celebrates the Mother's Day. In this regard, the Belarusian Institute of Strategic Research has prepared an infographic that shows the state's concern for motherhood, maternity and child care. Responsible and conscious attitude to motherhood of women, rightfully b...
On the eve of the next anniversary of the end of World War II, descendents of the winning countries again emphasize the need to protect the historical truth and resist the distortion of its outcomes. This is the issue of close attention not only in the West, but also in the East. The As...
In the context of assessing the Great Game rules, special attention should be given to South-East Asia (SEA) or the ASEAN region, which plays an important role in the global economic and political discourse. Recently, there is an increasing number of positive forecasts about prospects f...