On November 7-8, 2023, BISR analyst Yuri Yarmolinsky, as part of the Belarusian delegation, took part in the 9th International Scientific and Practical Conference on Cooperation in Countering International Terrorism and Extremism between SCO member States and observer states “Trust, cooperation and professionalism as a guarantee of a secure future”.
The conference has been held annually by the SCO Regional Anti-Terrorist Structure since 2013 and traditionally gathers experts and high-level leaders of the SCO, UN, CIS ATC, CSTO, Interpol, CICA, etc. on its site.

The event is aimed at exploring practical and operational cooperation, primarily between Member States and observer States, as well as strengthening cooperation at the international, regional and national levels between SCO members, observers and other partners.
The conference agenda covers the following problem field:
- trends and peculiarities of transformation of terrorist threats in the SCO space, practice and operational mechanisms of countering terrorism and extremism at the national level;
- the current level of cooperation and coordination between the SCO member States and observer States in the field of countering terrorism and extremism;
- means and mechanisms for further improvement of multilateral regional cooperation of the SCO member states in order to counter threats and challenges posed by terrorist and extremist organizations;
- the main trends that constitute threats of a terrorist and extremist nature at the global level, the current state and effective mechanisms of international cooperation;
- countering money laundering and terrorist financing, current means and mechanisms for improving multilateral regional cooperation of the SCO member states in this area;
- security threats posed by terrorists and extremists using modern information and communication technologies, the effectiveness of the methods and means used to counter international cooperation in this area.
Within the framework of the session “National experience in countering terrorism and extremism in the SCO space” Yuri Yarmolinsky made a report on the topic “On some aspects of preventing extremism among young people: experience and approaches of the Republic of Belarus”.
On the sidelines of the conference, brief meetings were held with colleagues from Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Russia, China, as well as with representatives of a number of international organizations.