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Much has been done with local authorities, agencies, and banks under the "One District - One Project" program. It must b...
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Alexey Avdonin
We do not threaten other nations, we protect our peaceful home State symbols are an integral attribute of a sovereign c...
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Olga Lazorkina
As annual measurements of public opinion show, Belarusians sincerely respect the historical heritage. The vast majority ...
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Svetlana Aleinikova
All-Belarusian People's Assembly as the supreme body of the people's power, forms a reliable basis for enhancing nationa...
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Map of cooperation

In BISR's activity, the focus is on relations and partnerships with foreign think tanks.
At present, we cooperate with communities of experts and researchers from 15+ countries.

Republic of Belarus
Partners' host countries
Сountries in which we have partners with whom a Memorandum of Cooperation has been signed