The largest economic event in the post-Soviet space is taking place in St. Petersburg – the St. Petersburg Economic Forum, the leitmotif of which was the phrase "turning point".
This year, the Forum celebrates its quarter-century anniversary. It is noteworthy that this event takes plac...
In the conflict with Russia, Ukraine is increasingly using weapons coming from Europe and the United States, including offensive heavy military equipment and NATO standards ammunition. The question is, do Ukrainians have a chance to win some strategic victories in this confrontation and...
Based on materials of research conducted in the Republic of Belarus.
The current geopolitical situation puts the world on the threshold of a global reorganization with the result being the dismantling of all restraining mechanisms – first of all, values, norms, traditions. Purposeful ...
The main result of the balanced and consistent policy pursued by the state in the ethno-confessional sphere is the resilience and stability of relations between representatives of different confessions, religious beliefs and nationalities. This is confirmed by a number of opinion polls ...
The proposals of the Belarusian President to enhance the predictive and analytical component in the work of the CSTO Secretariat and combine the potential of the analytical centers of the CSTO member states, put forward at the countries leaders meeting in Moscow on May 16, are important...
The joint statement of the President and Prime Minister of Finland on the country's intention to join NATO, made on May 12, is only the first and far from the main step towards official membership in the alliance. At the same time, a rather fragile ground – public opinion capable of cha...
Today, it is already possible to say that the events in Ukraine will lead to a significant transformation in the architecture of regional and international security, including in the military sphere.
The balance of power in Eastern Europe is changing right before our eyes. The so-calle...
One of the key requirements of the President in his Message was to increase high-tech exports of output to USD18 billion through creating more than 100 new productions. Resources and ways to achieve this goal are set out in the State Program of Innovative Development of the Republic of ...
The first stage: "search for common ground and establishing contacts" (1992-2006)1 is associated with the independence of the Republic of Belarus, which opened new opportunities for international cooperation, including among the expert and analytical community. During this period, Belar...
Changing socio-economic realities, growing inequality and poverty increase the likelihood of political instability in many countries and regions. Today we are witnessing tensions between the main international players in promoting their interests, norms and values, the diffusion of isol...
In the current conditions, the role of integration associations in the post-Soviet space is changing dramatically. Past assessments, which were mainly reduced to their insolvency, naturally fade into oblivion. Partner countries are concentrating their efforts and resources on those area...
The Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus declared the 2022 the Year of Historical Memory. In this connection it is important to sum up some of the results of the passing year and identify trends characteristic of both the Belarusian memory policy and the memory policy of n...