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Signing of a Memorandum of Understanding with the International Institute of Central Asia

Part of the high-level International Conference "Central and South Asia: Regional Connectivity. Challenges and Opportunities" (Tashkent, Uzbekistan), there was an inaugural ceremony of the International Institute of Central Asia attended by BISR leaders.

The International Institute of Central Asia (MICA) is a state research institution established at the initiative of Uzbek President Shavkat Mirziyoyev. MICA's mission is to conduct inter-field research on the diversity of civilization and modern processes of sustainable development of the region aimed at creating a belt of friendship and prosperity, security and stability, around Uzbekistan. The scientific and practical interests of the Institute are focused on regional processes and international relations affecting the foreign policy priorities of Uzbekistan.

In expanding the geography of research and expert ties and practical interaction with foreign analytical structures, a Memorandum of Understanding was signed between BISR and MICA on July 15, 2021.

On the Belarusian side, the MOU signing was attended by BISR Director Oleg Makarov and Deputy Director Vitaly Stakhovsky, on the MICA's side – Director Anvar Nasirov, Deputy Director for Economic, Cultural and Humanitarian Affairs Fanil Kadyrov, Head of Department Timur Rakhimov, MICA experts.

The Memorandum will create the basis for cooperation in research, will facilitate the exchange of ideas and opinions between Belarusian and Uzbek academics and practitioners.

Negotiations between "think tanks" were held in a constructive atmosphere of mutual understanding. The parties discussed the prospects of expert cooperation between BISR and MICA, expressed their intention to implement joint projects for the benefit of the Belarusian and Uzbek people, strengthening relations between Belarus and Uzbekistan and other Central Asian states.

Новые возможности международного сотрудничества: конференция высокого уровня в Ташкенте
Новые возможности международного сотрудничества: конференция высокого уровня в Ташкенте
Новые возможности международного сотрудничества: конференция высокого уровня в Ташкенте